With new media trending, more so now, is radio advertising still effective for brands in Zimbabwe? Social media and digital marketing are the talk of the advertising industry at the moment with advertisers keen to keep up with the latest trends. While digital technology offers enhanced capabilities in terms of targeting, reach and measurement through detailed analytics, the truth is, radio is still a very effective means of advertising, particularly for Zimbabwean brands. And here is why.
Zimbabweans have better access to the Radio than any other media.
Whilst an increasing number of Zimbabweans have jumped onto the digital media train, much of the people are still making use of radio as a source of information and entertainment.
Radio is one of the key ways to get information out to Zimbabweans as it is more accessible. Radio has the widest coverage compared to print, TV, and digital media, as it can be accessed through analogue transmission to battery or electricity powered radios, as well as radio applications on mobile devices. Radio transcends the analogue realm to provide engaging experiences on digital platforms as well.
This works well if your communications goal as a brand is to reach the masses. By advertising on this platform, you are assured of wide national coverage and reach.
Radio has a staunch community of listeners who are influencers.
Radio has a steadfast community of listeners who are committed to their radio experience. These listeners are highly engaged and are super spreaders of what they hear on the radio. Targeting these influencer listeners with memorable ads that convey your message with clarity, will have a ripple effect as your message spreads further through word of mouth, delivering more value per marketing dollar spent.
Brands Can still target through Advertising on Multiple Stations
Another plus side to radio advertising is that it need not be limited to one station. Zimbabwe has a number radio stations allowing brands to tailor their advertising according to the listener profiles and tastes of each station.
Radio is regarded as an authority.
With radio being a continual source for news, a platform for meaningful discussion and now with the recent introductions of school on radio, a place for education, radio is regarded as an authority. Most listeners believe most of the information they get from radio is generally true and well researched.
Furthermore, with radio being highly regulated, it makes the platform a brand safe medium for advertisers.
According to a report by Re-Evaluating Media for Recovery, advertisers are planning to increase radio spend in 2021. So, the question, really, should change from “is Radio advertising still effective” to “how can you make your adverts relevant, memorable and effective on radio’?This is because radio is here to stay.
Through our audio production services, at Kay Media Africa, we have the tool set to help you produce creative, targeted, and memorable jingles and commercials that will effectively market your brand and products on radio.